Challenging the Status Quo: Dentists, Technology, and Thriving in Uncertain Times

I. Adopting Intraoral Scanners for Improved Patient Experience

It might seem obvious, but if you’re able to increase a patient’s comfort and satisfaction then they’re more likely to stay loyal to your practice - and rate you more highly to their friends! One way to do this is by shifting gears to digital dentistry with intraoral scanners such as the Allied Star AS100 and the new Allied Star AS 200E, that quickly and comfortably capture high-resolution 3D images of patients’ teeth. 

Streamlined Workflow
Traditional dental impressions can be both time-consuming and uncomfortable. Not what you want and definitely not what your patients want. With full arch scanning taking as little as 20 seconds, intraoral scanners significantly reduce the amount of time patients have to spend in the chair, which in turn makes your workflow more efficient. 

Enhanced Treatment Planning
Intraoral scanners provide a level of precision in their digital images that traditional dental impressions just can’t compete with. And with this increase in accuracy comes the ability to increase patient satisfaction. How? Meticulous images allow you to create effective treatment plans tailored specifically to an individual's unique dental structures. 

Cost Savings
Understandably the initial investment for an intraoral scanner can be off putting. If it is cost that is holding you back from making the switch to digital dentistry then it’s important to remember that there are highly efficient entry-level priced scanners, and that over time there is a return on investment as you save on the cost of impression materials, reduce the potential for remakes due to inaccuracies and streamline workflow. 

Our top equipment picks:
Check out the Allied Star Range of intraoral scanners. There are two scanners in the Allied Star Range; the AS100, which is a wired model, and the AS200 E which introduces wireless functionality for ultimate flexibility. Both models have received excellent reviews from the institute of digital dentistry, and represent a new wave of high-performance, affordable scanners.

II. Embracing 3D Printing for Streamlined Production

3D printing has emerged as a game-changing technology in dentistry, with dedicated dental brands like SprintRay leading the charge. By implementing 3D printing, dental practices can streamline their production processes and offer patients faster, more accurate treatment options.

Rapid Prototyping
Dental practices can use 3D printers to create the likes of accurate models, prosthetics, aligners, and surgical guides. This reduces the need for outsourcing, thereby cutting down on production time and enabling you and your colleagues to provide faster treatment options for patients in-house.

Customised Dental Solutions
With the ability to easily and quickly offer tailor-made treatments and accurate customised dental solutions, 3D printing works with you to improve both the patient’s satisfaction and outcome.

Cost-Effective Production
As with the intraoral scanner, there is an initial investment for a 3D printer but in the long run your practice will save on production costs and reduce material waste. You also won’t be tied to the costs of outsourcing. Together these savings can be passed on to the patients so that you can provide more affordable treatment options that have a higher uptake. 

Our top equipment picks
Starting out with 3D printing can feel a bit daunting and understanding what you do and don’t need is important. For us, the most comprehensive starting point is the SprintRay range. Developed specifically for dentists, the workflow and equipment range is tailored to our industry. The ideal set up is a 3D printer, wash/dry unit and curing unit; this 3 step configuration takes the guesswork out of 3D printing, ensuring quality, cleanliness and the rapid turnaround that that 3D printing represents.

We’ll cover some specific use cases for 3D printing over the next few pages.

III. Utilising Soft Tissue Lasers for Enhanced Clinical Outcomes

For many dental practices, soft tissue lasers like the NV Pro3 have become an essential tool for periodontal, restorative and orthodontic procedures. Investing in a soft tissue laser will result in numerous benefits that scalpels and electrocautery just can’t offer, from reducing swelling and discomfort to removing the need for anaesthesia.

Minimally Invasive Procedures
Soft tissue lasers offer a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgical methods, leading to reduced trauma, bleeding, and postoperative pain. This translates to quicker recovery times for patients, which is only ever a good thing!

Improved Precision
Using lasers allow you to perform soft tissue procedures with extreme precision, minimising damage to surrounding tissues. This results in healthier, cleaner surgical sites, less scarring, and better long-term outcomes for patients.

Greater Patient Comfort
The thought of needing anaesthesia or sutures can be worrying for patients. With soft tissue lasers you can alleviate this, as they significantly reduce (sometimes removing entirely) the need for either. Plus there’s less pain, swelling and discomfort during and after procedures. Knowing that your practice offers this, can, in turn generate patient referrals.

Efficient Treatment Times
By incorporating soft tissue lasers into their practice, you can perform procedures more efficiently, reducing treatment times and allowing for a higher patient turnover which will see an increase in revenue. This not only benefits patients by minimising their time spent in the dental chair but also contributes to a more productive and profitable practice.

IV. Embracing Change and Future-Proofing Your Practice
In order to stay ahead of the industry, it’s essential to embrace new technologies like intraoral scanners, 3D printers, and soft tissue lasers, dentists can provide the best possible care for their patients while maintaining a competitive edge in the industry.

Ongoing Education
The saying that knowledge is power is apt in uncertain times. By staying up to date with the latest developments, investing in ongoing education and applying your learnings you can ensure your practice is continually improving. If your practice becomes known to offer the most advanced treatments available, you’re going to get a competitive edge on other practices in the area.

Onboarding and Training Staff
To fully leverage the benefits of new technologies, dental practices should prioritise onboarding and training their staff. This includes providing hands-on training and educational resources to ensure that all team members are proficient in using the latest equipment and techniques. A well-trained team that can deliver more efficient and effective treatments will ultimately see improved patient outcomes and satisfaction.

Patient Communication
As in life, effective communication should never be underestimated. The same applies in your practice. Openly and effectively communicating the benefits of new technology with your patients can help to build trust and encourage them to embrace these new technologies to improve their overall dental health.

Whilst it’s easy (and understandably!) to be apprehensive about change in times of economic uncertainty, it is by challenging existing practices and seeking new ways of working that will help propel your practice through this period. Embracing change, adopting new technologies and investing in continuous education, will help you to future-proof your practice and stay at the forefront of the industry, ensuring continued success and growth.