NV Pro3 Laser Review - Dr Alfonso Vargas

I’ve been using (and recommending!) the NV PRO Microlaser for around ten years and have always really enjoyed using them - I think they’re great. So when I needed to purchase a new laser I decided to get the latest model, the NV Pro3.

What I love about the NV Pro3 is that it’s cordless and light, there aren’t many lasers that are, and this means that any trained clinician in our dental practice can use it. Plus it’s easy to get to grips with, you can easily change the settings, you just press a button and go for it. It’s definitely user friendly, even for clinicians who haven’t used these lasers extensively. Not only do the clinicians like it, but the hygienists like it and so do the dental therapists. Anyone who has used it, has really enjoyed it and I’ve always had positive feedback from the dentists I’ve recommended it to.

Another key feature is that the manipulation is brilliant. It means we can easily access any area we’re working on, which is paramount as we use the NV Pro3 for many treatments from crown prep through to using it for root canals.

There are many choices when it comes to lasers, but the NV Pro3 Microlaser is the one I’ve been using for many years and the one I am happy with.